I’m finally getting round to sorting the website, so thought I would send you a few ideas, pics etc..
*Logo attached as .jpg and .png
*Banner attached as .jpg
I think ultimately, I’d like the You Need A PA website to mirror (ish) the You Need A Vicky website (our sister company… www.youneedavicky.com). So at least our companies look like they’re under the same umbrella. But we keep the red colour throughout.
Would like the tabs across the top to be: HOME HOW WE CAN HELP TESTIMONIALS ABOUT YOU NEED A PA CONTACT US
Content wise – I quite like what we’ve got. I definitely think it could be added too, but I am SO hopeless at that side of things I wouldn’t know where to start.
I also get so many PA’s getting in touch, thinking that we’re recruiting, rather than clients getting in touch looking for our help, so I don’t think its all that clear.
The pictures of Vicky and I are AWFUL. Need to get some new ones in there.
Cancellation policy – don’t think it’s clear enough. Perhaps you could come up with something thats worded a bit better, and firmer!
Contact form – Its great, love to keep it or have something similar
Testimonial – want a better, separate testimonials page, and we can definitely add a lot more to it now.
I like Vicky’s ‘Vicky Recommends’, so would be good to have a ‘You Need A PA recommends’ and there are definitely some companies I’d like to have on there, and affiliate with.
Would also like some google ad words – and appear higher in google… Not sure how much traffic we’re getting at the moment – but don’t think its much!
Sorry for babbling, but not sure there to start! Let me know what other info you’d like for the time being.
Many many thanks again!
Polly Hadden-Paton
You Need A PA
+44 (0) 7786 416 916
Twitter – youneedapa
Please click ‘Like’ on our Facebook page – http://www.facebook.com/youneedapa